Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Thing 38. Screencasting

I used the Screen-o-matic software. As an aside, I also like the Windows Movie Maker that comes standard with Windows (they finally got something right). You can drop in movies you made, and add text, sound, and other actions to create really good looking, and professional movies. While its not the same as this, check it out sometime if you feel like you want to post something on Youtube.

Anyway, this video took forever to make, as I wasn't really sure what to do. I finally decided to make a movie about how to suggest a book for us to buy at the Gilbert Public Library. I didn't use any sound, so hopefully my actions are clear enough.

The Screen-o-matic seemed to work the best out of all of them. All of the rest of them to have too many hoops to jump thru.

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