Monday, March 16, 2009

Thing 35. Books 2.0

Alot of patrons these days seems to enjoy the DVDs we rent out at the library, and the books almost seem like technology of the past to them.  Perhaps if we can introduce them to the Books 2.0 idea, they might enjoy that because of the technology associated with it, and it might make them want to try reading paper books again.  The What's Next link, is really a great idea.  Often times I try and look up a series of books, and this would be a very quick link for that.  The BookMooch and PaperBack Swap links seem to be interesting.  Since I take college classes, I might try and see if I can swap books for the summer session that starts in a few months.  The printable postage on the PaperBack Swap is a good idea, similar to that you can do if you are a seller on eBay.  I have a lot of paperback books Im looking for, for one of my collections, so I might be able to find them here, rather than paying ALOT of money for them.

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