Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Thing 37. Photo Tales

I decided to try a slide show as I don't think I have done one of those yet, but I'm not sure who really wants to look at any photos I took. These are of a tree that feel down at my last crap hole (I mean apartment). Luckily I wasn't there when it happened or my car would have been crushed. I happened to decide to go visit my parents at the last minute, so luckily it worked out. No symphony from my landlord either, he could have cared less, and to my knowledge the tree is still there 1.5 YEARS later. Anyway, I used the Rockyou creator, and it was very easy. I uploaded all 10 pics in about a minute, and you could select how they were displayed, I picked "revolver". I also picked the slowest speed, as I always have trouble looking at the pictures in other slide shows because they go too fast. I guess I see a use for this for me at home, not so much at the library. Although I think the kids would be really interested in this.


Linda said...

Very nice slideshow. I found it especially interesting because I had the same thing happen to me. The tree landed just brushing my vehicle with top of branches and did no damage. If my husband's truck had been there it would have been toast. Happened in middle of night and drunk neighbors coming home had to pound on my door to let me know about it; like there was anything I could do at 3AM. I got pix but never thought of doing a slide show with them.

Chris said...

Wow, you lucked out too. But, I can laugh about it now that Im in a decent apartment. Drunk neighbors, huh? Sounds EXACTLY like my old place.

Linda said...

Yeah, but they are no longer there. If you check out my older posts, I think in November, you'll see a video I shot with my Flip of their house burning down. Or it's also on YouTube, I think named Fire in old downtown Mountain Iron. Quiet neighborhood now, but as the snow melts, an eyesore.