Monday, March 16, 2009

Thing 32. Google Maps and Mashups

First of all, this is so cool!  I decided to make a map of one of our bookmobile routes, I only do 4 of them on a regular basis, as I have more time I will add more of them.  This would be a good thing to have for our patrons to look at on our website to see where we go to each day, and each route.  But, do yourself a favor, only use this when you have access to high speed Internet, otherwise it is a lesson in frustration 101.


Linda said...

What a wonderful, useful idea. Bummer about needing high speed though as many in rural areas don't have it. Are the maps going to wind up on the ALS website?

Chris said...

I think I will ask about uploading them to ALS, I know Mark Koukol made a really nice one of all of the libraries in the ALS region. Maybe we can put them up on the bookmobile page, as soon as I fine tune them a bit.