Sunday, March 16, 2008

Thing 23. Final Thoughts

Well, I made it!

Probably my favorite thing I learned about was RSS feeds, I had always heard stuff about them, but never actually used them before now. Because of this project I now have them on our libraries blog, as well as my own blog that I created. Plus, now I have my own blog I can write stuff about. Hopefully it will be interesting enough that someone will actually read it!

I would definitely participate again, as long as the Things were different enough that I could still learn something from them. That would probably be the only change I could suggest, but since technology is changing at such a fast rate, I'm sure it would be easy to come up with a completely different set of 23 Things for next year. Hears hoping!

If I had to describe my experience in one word, it would be: Experimenting.

I think my only regret in this program is that I didn't come up with a more original name for my blog than "My 23 Things on a Stick"!

1 comment:

Linda said...

You can always change the name of your blog...just let me know so I can change the name in the blog roll. I want to be able to find it so I can continue reading it.