Friday, April 17, 2009

Thing 46. WebJunction Minnesota

I think all of the classes that are offered are probably the best thing on WJMN for me. I going back to school for my MLIS, but it might be nice to take a course in "dealing with angry patrons" or "keeping your library looking good", as there are a lot of practical solutions here that look interesting.

When I looked at the section about regional library systems, it had upcoming events from December 2008, which was 3 months ago. It would be nice to have a section that upcoming events from every library system that was updated regularly. But, perhaps the regional libraries have to contact WJMN with that information, and they have not done so and that is why there is no current information.

1 comment:

Linda said...

That would be the reason. Some systems have agreed to help; some not. I still have a headache from trying to get access to WJ & WJMN back for our region. System staff didn't know or care what it was, nor did they believe there was a problem. Turned out all our addresses were blocked because they were the source of a spam attack. Interesting, no?